Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: What is the DELIVERY TIME?
A: Our average delivery time is 7 to 12 business days after shipping. Holidays and weekends are not counted.
Q: What is the PRODUCT ORIGIN?
A: All our products are PREMIUM 1:1 of international origin, and they can be shipped from suppliers in Asia, Europe, and the United States.
Q: Do you provide a TRACKING CODE?
A: Yes, we provide an international tracking code after completing all import processes (1-4 days). After inspecting the product, we send it again with a national tracking code. Both codes are given to the customer to track their order.
Q: How do I choose the right size?
A: Go with the size you usually wear!
Q: Can I purchase more than one product?
A: Yes, you can buy as many as you want! In some cases, they might arrive in different shipments but close in dates. If this happens, rest assured, the final delivery time will not be affected and remains the same.
A: Yes, we have numerous testimonials from satisfied customers on our Instagram. Additionally, we have been in the market since 2022. We also emphasize that we use secure payment platforms like PayPal and Stripe, which provide a full refund in case of any issues.
Q: Do the products have a WARRANTY?
A: Yes, we offer a warranty against manufacturing defects. If a defect is found, we provide a free exchange.
Q: Ok, I want to buy. What are the PAYMENT METHODS?
A: Credit card, Debit Card and PayPal.